About Us

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Two locations serving the entire Bay Area, including North, South and East Bay

We handle all of the EBB paperwork, photos, plans and permits, we do it all for you!

Happy family house

Bolt Down The Bay Area

Living in the Bay Area means living with the risk of earthquakes. If you lived here in 1989, you likely can remember exactly where you were during the Loma Prieta earthquake. Thousands of people were displaced from their homes and emergency services were completely overwhelmed.

Bolt Down The Bay Area has been installing pre-engineered residential seismic retrofit packages following the guidelines set forth by “Standard Plan Set A” since 2008.

The prescriptive standards of Plan Set A were developed and approved by the Structural Engineers Association (SEA), the International Code Council (ICC), California Building Officials, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) and tested on Simpson Strong-Tie's earthquake-simulating "shake table."
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The 2014 South Napa earthquake caused millions in damage and many non-retrofitted structures were yellow- or red-tagged as uninhabitable. We are very proud to say that none of our retrofit clients sustained any structural damage because of the work we did to protect their homes.

A properly installed seismic retrofit results in less property damage and a greater probability that you and your family will not be displaced from your home after the next seismic event.

Call to schedule your free inspection and let us help you determine if your home is properly anchored to its foundation.

Together, we can Bolt Down The Bay Area.

Bolt Down The Bay Area – Building Resilient Communities!